Lindsay Taylor, perinatal nutrition expert, empowering women with realistic nutritional support for preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum
The Food Doula logo in white, representing Lindsay Taylor's perinatal nutrition support services


Nourishing Your Pregnancy + Postpartum Journey with Confidence

I'm the perinatal nutrition expert empowering women with realistic support for preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum.


We're starting a movement to create more nourished parents and babies.

Even amidst the challenges of pregnancy and new parenthood, nutrition should feel do-able. I’m here to help you feel empowered and confident around food.

Meet Lindsay Taylor, the Food Doula, sharing her journey from health researcher to dedicated perinatal nutrition expert, empowering mothers for better pregnancy and postpartum nutrition


I'm Lindsay, a mom, cookbook author, and nutrition expert.

Before starting The Food Doula, I was in your shoes. My first prenatal appointment left me feeling unprepared and unsure about how to eat. Why? Because all I was told was to take a supplement and avoid certain foods for vague reasons.

During my pregnancies and postpartums, I dealt with food aversions, reflux, and nutrient deficiencies. It was challenging to feed myself well, even with my professional training in health and nutrition!  

I felt guilty when all I wanted was mac and cheese or cereal. I tried to research the nutrients my baby and I needed, but I was too overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information to apply any of it.

No one told me how my diet should shift for the very different needs for this stage, or how my diet could impact my entire experience. But let me tell you, it can!

If I felt unsupported and overwhelmed, I knew others did too. And I knew we all deserve nourishment that sets us (and our babies!) up for more positive outcomes.

So, in 2019 I decided to step out of my decade-long career in health research and focus only on perinatal nutrition. I committed to helping women nourish themselves in ways that are realistic for pregnancy and postpartum and I haven’t looked back!

Because I believe we deserve way better. And my dream is to build a community that believes they are worthy of feeling nourished and confident in motherhood.


Rooted in Compassion, Expertise, and Advice for Real-Life

Do you ever feel like nutrition advice is out of touch? Like the information presented is overwhelming or even judgmental? If you’re nodding your head right now - I’m with you. 

This approach is not workingβ€”more than 90% of us don’t get the nutrients we need for pregnancy and feel unsatisfied with the advice from our healthcare providers. 

I knew I wanted my approach to feel the exact opposite. It all centers on practical advice that is do-able for YOU as an individual. Because you should feel like you are totally capable of nourishing yourself well and understanding your needs. 

I meet you wherever you are – to get in essential nutrients, to feel good, and to get confident in the kitchen during these critical phases of life.

Explore coaching, guides, and more designed to help you nourish yourself well, plus resources for professionals to support clients’ perinatal nutrition needs.

The Professional Perinatal Nutrition Program

Become a Certified Perinatal Nutrition Expert and boost your business with holistic nutrition support for your clients!



Coaching that's focused on your personal needs, so you can feel confident, empowered, and supported in the kitchen and beyond.

Explore the approach


Designed to bridge the gap between wanting to eat well but not knowing what to focus on for your stage or how to make it happen in your real life. 



Professional Achievements & Certifications

Masters Degree, specializing in Health Behaviour Change

Certified Culinary Nutrition Expert 

Certified Doula 

Gold Winner, Health, Taste Canada Awards (2022): The Food Doula Cookbook 

Faculty member, Canadian School of Natural Nutrition